Psychosis (clinical)

For information about the edited book: "Psychosis and Spirituality: Consolidating the New Paradigm, 2nd Edition  Chichester: Wiley.  2010 "see my Home Page

See particularly in this book:
Clarke, I. “ What is Real and what is not:Towards a Positive Reconceptualisation of Vulnerability to Unusual Experiences”.

The first edition is still available.


ICS and Psychosis

The ICS based approach to therapy developed here is essentially cross diagnostic. However, research into the overlap between psychosis and spirituality, and more recently, the significance of social context on the impact of anomalous experiences (Brett et al 2007, see below) provides a distinctive way of making sense of the so called 'psychotic' response to adversity. Many of the publications relevant to this are listed on the Psychosis and Spirituality page, which concentrates on material with a wider appeal. This page contains references and material relevant to clinicians and academics interested in this area.

Clarke, I.  (2002) "Introducing Further Developments Towards an ICS Formulation of Psychosis.   A Comment on Gumley, A., White, C.A. & Power, K. (1999) An Interacting Cognitive Subsystems Model of Relapse and the Course of Psychosis. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 6, 261-279", Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 9, 47-50

Clarke, I Chapter 4, "Case experience from a Rehabilitation Service", pp 69-78 in The Case Study Guide to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy of Psychosis  Edited by David Kingdon and Douglas Turkington. Wiley 2002.


Clinical work on psychosis

Stigma reduction project – the 'What is real and what is not' group.

It is here argued that both psychosis and spirituality are a way of experiencing open to all human beings, available when the propositional meaning making subsystem is less accessible, and the implicational or relational is in charge (or buffered). Problems arise when the individual gets stuck in this way of experiencing.

This perspective normalizes the difference in character of 'psychotic' experience, and schizotypy research enables us to say with confidence that openness to this other way also carries valued benefits such as high creativity. Presented as a clinical programme this perspective offers hope and a less stigmatizing vision to people hospitalized because of problems caused by 'psychosis'. Taken together with the important research by Brett et al.(2007) – see below - this initiative seemed important enough to merit evaluation. A small grant from CSIP has made this possible.

A description of the bid and a presentation of the programme can be accessed here. The paper will be posted once the evaluation is completed and written up.


Brett, C. M. C. Peters, E. P., Johns, L. C., Tabraham,  P., Valmaggia, L. R. &  Mcguire, P. K.  "Appraisals of Anomalous Experiences Interview (AANEX): a multidimensional measure of psychological responses to anomalies associated with psychosis", The British Journal of Psychiatry (2007) 191: 23-30

Presentations and Conferences

The Big Idea

An exciting event to explore the bold predictions and new theories in psychotherapy theory and practice.
A conference designed to encourage, illuminate and energise. Chairpersons: Brett Kahr and Jane Ryan.
Friday 5 (evening) and Saturday 6 March 2010; London (details to follow)

Psychopathology Unpacked

Bringing psychosis in out of the cold: taking a new look at unusual experiences
5th Floor Lecture Theatre, The Tavistock Centre, 120 Belsize Lane, London, NW4 5BA
Monday, 22nd March 2010, 7.30pm - 9.30pm (registration from 7.00pm).

Booking, directions and information about this CONFER series of lectures
Program and details of the talk

PSI Cymru - Gregynog 2008 : 25/9/08-26/9/08

Themes : 
     “Third Wave CBT”
     Early Intervention – Service Development
Prof. Richard Bentall ,Professor of Clinical Psychology, Bangor University will be talking on:
The use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in psychosis

Isabel Clarke' s talk: 
Formulating psychosis using the Interacting Cognitive Subsystems (ICS) model.

2007 ISPS (International Society for the psychological treatments of the Schizophrenias and other psychoses) UK Residential Conference. University of Bath. 26th - 27th March

I offered a parallel workshop, title:
"Working across the Threshold:a therapeutic approach that embraces the otherness of the psychotic experience at the same time as facilitating adaptation to the shared world." (abstract)
